Telepathy: Brain-to-Brain Communication

Have you ever wished that you could communicate with another person without using one of the five common senses? The senses of hearing, seeing, touch, taste, and smell are the most common manners in which a person can communicate with another. However, many people believe in a six sense known as telepathy, whereby a person can transmit thoughts and images to another person through sheer mental power. If you desire to use this power you will need to know how to use telepathy.

Are you ready for brain to brain communication? Well, it seems that science is one step ahead of you. Collective intelligence is already a fact, it is real. Yes, humans can speak to each other without pen, paper or even the Internet.

Brain-to-Brain Communication at a Distance Proved Possible

The interesting part about this idea is that we have been able to do this for the whole of our existence. It is built into the wiring of our brains. It could even originate from that area of the brain that is fabled to be “the uncharted territory”, or maybe not. 

In fact, there is now a consensus that this uncharted area doesn’t even exist. Many are with the belief that we have been misusing this area of our brain for centuries-going about mundane tasks and never taking advantage of our mind’s full potential.

It could be that we have been ignorant on the basic use of our own brain. The fact remains, we can send messages by our thought processes alone. Previously, scientists have experimented with brain to computer intelligence communication, which is a primary step toward collective intelligence.

Dr. Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist, speaks of the recent tests conducted by many neurologists, where the thoughts could project images into digital format. Although these pictures are rather crude, they offer a glimpse of what we are dealing with, the magnitude of what the human mind can perform. 
Note: Michio Kaku is a futurist, popularizer of science, and theoretical physicist, as well as a bestselling author and the host of two radio programs. He is the co-founder of string field theory (a branch of string theory), and continues Einstein’s search to unite the four fundamental forces of nature into one unified theory. He holds the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics and a joint appointment at City College of New York and the Graduate Center of C.U.N.Y. He is also a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

Kaku launched his Big Think blog, "Dr. Kaku's Universe," in March 2010.

How to Use Telepathy to communicate With Others

Most people of people in the international consider that telepathy is not anything more than science Fiction. They agree with that telepathy is a made up energy this is best to be had to superhero's in comic books and films. still, there are numerous human beings at some point of the arena who actually believe that commonplace human beings can use this uncommon electricity.
there may be no denying that many humans do have what's known as a "connection." They appear which will speak with each other with using one of the essential 5 senses. that is most normally seen in twins. when youngsters are born as twins they appear with a view to study each other's minds and mind and feelings. The query is, how can someone who is not a twin obtain this sense and electricity of connection?
Adults who claim to use telepathy consider that anybody can use telepathy if they may be open to the concept and agree with within the energy. They advise that every body who wishes to apply and harness their powers, to begin by means of trying to send 'easy thoughts' to someone whom they're near. whether this be a sibling, spouse, buddy, or child.
awareness is the main key in sending your thoughts to any other character through the usage of telepathy. if you want to discover ways to use telepathy then you want to prepare your self for an extended process that can be quite irritating and in lots of instances might also never absolutely increase. In fact, many humans accept as true with which you are truely born with the present and that it is able to never be learned nor taught.

Learn more: The Holographic Universe Of Our Minds

Brain-to-Brain Communication - Beneficial Discoveries 

So, now we know that we have arrived. We have successfully found a way to send messages from one brain to the other. We have also succeeded in putting thoughts into images using digital tools.

And how does this benefit the human race?

Not only can this prove to be beneficial for technology, this can also help scientists to understand issues such as mental illness, an interesting ailment of the human mind. With proper study, these discoveries can reveal hidden layers of the human condition which have, at times, left neurologists in confusion.

Brain-to-Brain  Communication - The latest studies 

A recent study by an international team of neuroscientists has revealed that adjustments to certain pathways in the brain can cause communication abilities between minds from as far as 5000 miles apart.

Researchers led by Alvaro Pasqual-Leone of Harvard Medical School attached electrodes to the subject’s scalp, in order to record currents in the brain. These currents were then, in turn, translated into digital signals and sent to a controlled output.

A human brain, on the other end of the signal, would receive the message and email the words back to the sender. This served as a successful confirmation of the theory.

Apparently, the signals can also be received in a similar format as Morse code. These signals would appear to the receiver as flashes of light in the peripheral vision.
“The findings suggest intriguing new possibilities for computer-assisted volitional control/communication of brain states between individuals. The brain-to-brain method may be used to augment this mutual coupling of the brains, and may have a positive impact on human social behavior,” note the authors of the study.
Although these studies are in early stages, it will be interesting to see how far they will go. It makes stories of people who can sense the death of loved ones seem more probable than before.

There may, indeed be a way for us to communicate across oceans and deserts to someone we miss or even dislike. The land of the mind may be so vast and intelligent that we have only touched the edge of its expanse. The secrets revealed will continue to amaze and astound us in times to come.

Telepathy Techniques

"Telepathy is a term that refers collectively to the reception and transmission of thoughts between minds that does not rely on sensory output in order for information to be exchanged." Or in layman's terms:) the ability to read minds and develop intuition through the power of your brain and not by hearing, seeing or feeling.

Just about every one of us at some time or another has enjoyed the occasion of "reading someones mind" only to laugh it off as a fluke or just plain lucky however what you have actually experienced is a very raw version of telepathy. An unconscious display of just a glimpse of your brain and mind's power! Imagine what life would be like for you if you could actually harness the power of telepathy?!

Telepathy is a skill like any other that can be gained however it must be practiced. 

Your subconscious mind actually controls telepathy and it can be activated with the right telepathy techniques. By being able to really concentrate on the person you wish to telepathically communicate with, your chances of mastering this skill improves. Binaural beats mp3 and isochronic tones can help you with this clear and disciplined focus - more on that later...

Here are a few telepathy techniques that you can try...

First of all, if you are just starting out or are a beginner then your early attempts should last no longer than 15 minutes or so. This skill can be exhausting and also frustrating so don't let early failures get on top of you and produce negative feelings and thoughts. Your mind MUST stay clear and focused at all times when attempting telepathy.

There is something powerfully aiding between telepathy and sea water when it comes to opening up communication channels. As often as you can, go for an ocean swim or have on hand some bottled sea water.

It is good to speak on the phone with a like minded friend, relative or colleague and practice on each other. Get yourselves into the right state and then take it in turns to visualize a number, image or place etc and the other tries to receive the image.

Imagine you are in a beautiful, peaceful and tranquil place. It can be whatever you choose so long as you are completely comfortable and totally at ease with your surroundings. In your mind, walk around this area and allow imagery to come into your mind. Do not try to force it but simply allow it to appear on its own. Imagine that the person who you are trying to contact telepathically is in front of you. Remember as many of the details as you can and pay close attention to your feelings as these are the actual messages you are sending and receiving! Beginners to telepathy often notice feelings coming from within their solar plexus.

Just like most meditation techniques, the power is in getting your brain and mind into the right state to be able to perform these skills and abilities. The astonishing power of brain entrainment using binaural beats mp3 and isochronic tones, allows you to put your brain in exactly the right frequency and state to perform these abilities merely by listening to them!

Telepathy Enhancement treatment creates a perfect mental state for telepathy where all distractions are blocked out, and the mind is elevated to an Alpha brain state. An Alpha state is normally associated with higher thinking, spiritual epiphany, and sudden "Eureka" moments. Without the distractions of outside influence and thought, these Alpha states will allow you to develop your psychic talents. It creates the perfect environment for you to train your mind.

Like most meditation and deep alpha, theta and delta states, it is all about getting your mind and your brain into the best range of brainwaves to perform these amazing skills and abilities.

And if you are looking for a brain programming program ... Here is the link  >>> How to re-wire
YOUR BRAIN to Effortlessly Manifest The Life of Your Dreams!


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