The Secret Behind Restore Your Creative Power - The New Brain
By-Passing the Reptilian Brain to Restore Your Creative Power Re-programming Life: By-Passing ...
By-Passing the Reptilian Brain to Restore Your Creative Power
Re-programming Life:
By-Passing the Reptilian Brain to Restore Your Creative Power
Main content:
Humans have 3 independent yet interconnected sections in our brain:
1) The Reptilian section;
2) The Limbic section;
3) The Neo-cortex section.
‘The New Brain’
The conscious individual goes through a mind process something like this:
“Ok. Something within me attracted that low vibration manifestation, I understand that my reptilian brain is being targeted, no thank you, cancel that frequency, replace with high vibrational thought or good feeling emotion, done, continue moving forward.”
Albert Einstein said:
“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.”
-- Cracking Consciousness In The Cosmos - Intrinsic Element In The Akasha Secret:
Brain programming
sleep programming
love the brain
law of attraction meditation
Re-programming Life:
By-Passing the Reptilian Brain to Restore Your Creative Power
Main content:
Humans have 3 independent yet interconnected sections in our brain:
1) The Reptilian section;
2) The Limbic section;
3) The Neo-cortex section.
‘The New Brain’
The conscious individual goes through a mind process something like this:
“Ok. Something within me attracted that low vibration manifestation, I understand that my reptilian brain is being targeted, no thank you, cancel that frequency, replace with high vibrational thought or good feeling emotion, done, continue moving forward.”
Albert Einstein said:
“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.”
-- Cracking Consciousness In The Cosmos - Intrinsic Element In The Akasha Secret:
Brain programming
sleep programming
love the brain
law of attraction meditation